Things that make you go…
Photo by mattdorkThe day has come. It’s the official end of the floppy disk. Well, it isn’t just yet, but we’re really in it’s afterlife right now. If you’re still interested in one of the more interesting floppy based projects, stack up now! 1.44 MB isn’t really relevant anymore in these days of Terabytes, yet, the floppy was a great and very successful invention. I still have hundreds laying around containing relevant data and applications. It’s just too much work to move all that stuff to Cd’s or DVDs. I just wonder if this had anything to do with it…
This however isn’t the reason I am writing this post. There’s something else. I had a very good read today that I would not want to keep to myself. It’s the 2009 year report of Euro-IX, the organisation that bring together the Internet Exchanges of Europe. You can read it here. This really is a very interesting set of data. It tells you all sorts of figures about the Internet in Europe. Yes, really, figures. Mathematicians and Statisticians, please take notice, I’m talking significant data here. If you’re into graphs and tables, grab that PDF before it goes away.
One other thing Euro-IX did was release an educational film about the workings of the Internet. It’s not like Warriors of the Net, which already was brilliant, it’s the bigger picture. I’ll embed it here, it’s that good! So if you always wanted to know what an Internet Exchange actually is and didn’t want to head over to Wikipedia, click play below!.