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Archive for April, 2009


Explained on Youtube

   Posted by: wkossen    in Uncategorized

Image via Wikipedia

Youtube is a great resource of entertainment and education. I have frequently used youtube-published-content in presentations to explain things. Here I’ld like to highlight a few great videos explaining some concepts in a very good way. Good explanations are

– understandeable (plain language, laymens terms)
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multiple apps on one database? not a good idea

   Posted by: wkossen    in Uncategorized

Recently a colleague of mine wanted my opinion on a situation he discovered with one of his clients. This client had an Oracle Database server with one database configured which was beeing used by multiple applications. He thought it wasn’t a good idea but wanted to hear my opinion on this. This is what I told him.

1. performance

Which application is causing bad performance? Monitoring separate databases is much simpler to setup than monitoring use on separate tables or weeding through all logging to see which parts of the database get pounded.
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